Virtual Reality, Taboo Surprises

Convenient disclaimers: I do not claim that my technological, logistical, and practical descriptions are accurate or realistic given my limited knowledge of virtual reality systems. Consider these aspects to be artistic license used to frame and advance my story. I ask that you overlook any errors or technological omissions and enjoy the story as intended. Lastly, this is a fiction piece; Any resemblance to any person or event, living or dead, is completely coincidental and unintentional. All of the characters are adults.

During spring break, Lily and Alex were both at home from college. Alex, Lily’s older brother, was nearing the end of his junior year, and Lily was in the spring of her first year. In a loose attempt to follow in their father’s footsteps, both were majoring in computer science with a focus on augmented and virtual reality.

Their father worked for a company that makes the most cutting-edge VR systems and was an optical engineer and virtual reality specialist. In order to perform beta testing on new model systems, Dad would frequently bring them home. Naturally, the two children were always eager to experiment with them. As a result, the kids and dad were well-versed in all of the popular VR systems.

However, Mom’s one-and-only VR experience did not bode well for her involvement with the technology in the future. She gave the basic VR visor and hand controls a quick test run while walking through a VR space in a neutral setting. However, thinking she was outside, she briskly walked into a kitchen wall when she first activated the system.

Mom made the decision to hand over “that stuff” to her children out of embarrassment rather than hurt. She never engaged in set-up, active role-play, games, or simulated scenarios. Consequently, despite her general comprehension of VR’s concepts and capabilities, she was unaware of the physical sensations’ limitations.

The development of virtual reality technology had made simulations that were more realistic and immersive. To mimic sensations like touch, wind, earthquakes, odors, and temperatures, popular commercial systems attached eye visors, hand controls, nerve sensors, and transmitters to key body parts.

Each part of the body (head, neck, throat, arm and leg joints, chest, back, pelvis, glutes, etc.) was equipped with its own sensor. or included in mesh units that could be worn like clothing. The majority of systems worked, but they were heavy, hard to see, and complicated. Realistic, immersive, and capable of producing locations and objects with an authentic feel were digitally generated 3D images.

Vibrations, pressure points, and smells added to the sounds and sights of shooting games made them feel more real. VR players may experience a “slap” or “sting” when they are grabbed, punched, or hit by bullets (without actually being hurt). Romance simulations were well-liked, especially among couples. Intimate dinners with stunning visuals, sounds, and smells were typical of the simulations.

However, it should come as no surprise that the sex-oriented systems saw a meteoric rise in sales, soon surpassing (but not surpassing) VR games for fighting and shooting. The VR experience provided a more immersive sensory experience for all genders, in contrast to older masturbation-assisting devices like vibrators, rabbits, portable pussies, and Fleshlights. However, it was not yet a replacement for the real thing.

* When Dad brought a cutting-edge VR model with cutting-edge sensory capabilities to beta-test, Lily and Alex were astonished and intrigued. The proprietary integrated feedback and stimulation modules of the beta system were compacted and incorporated into the user’s nervous system through a small number of points. It was no longer necessary to wear body suits, large visors, haptic gloves, or multiple sensor points.

The cumbersome visor/screen was reduced to a snug, narrow band that covered the eyes but left the majority of the face exposed. The rest of the system, with the exception of the small visor, was almost impossible to see on a user unless they were actively looking for it.

War, shooting, and ambush games, as well as exploration and environmental simulations and, yes, some basic “Physical Experiences” (read: “sex”), were all present on the beta system. Dad and the two children spent a few hours setting up the new beta system and learning about it, but Dad didn’t really care to play the games; he just wanted to make them.

While taking turns exploring the cities, battles, and even some of the included “pleasure” features, Lily and Alex set up and tested the new beta system. They made fun of those, primarily in an effort to persuade the other to use a “naughty” feature. They didn’t pay much attention to that function because the base model didn’t have many sexually focused sensations. It was more of a silly novelty for them.

* In a brave moment, Lily got up the courage to ask her father if he could get the beta system a sex-specific add-on package “just to see what it was like.” Despite the fact that the request came from his daughter, Dad was a natural engineer whose analytical mind guided the majority of his life’s choices. He assumed that because she was an adult and could choose such activities, she would do so even if he cooperated.

Dad purchased the add-on software and instructed Lily to “be responsible,” whichever that phrase meant. He didn’t take up the unspoken offer to give it a shot, but no one knew if he ever did.

Mom was aware that her daughter had purchased a unique sex package. She was curious, but she was not sufficiently interested to try it. Her natural curiosity was overshadowed by her previous VR mishap and her shame at having to discuss sexual activities with her children.

Unsurprisingly, Alex was eager to participate in the sex program. He was the system’s ideal customer because he was a hot 21-year-old.

Before activating the entire program, Alex and Lily spend a few hours experimenting with the controls, intensity, and sensations of the sex package. At first, they found it awkward to talk to each other about erogenous zones, levels of sexual stimulation, and other settings and features related to the program. However, as time went on, their conversations became more comfortable, formal, and clinical. They quickly became comfortable discussing sexual behaviors, body parts, and the kinds of sexual stimuli that piqued their interest the most.

They neither mentioned nor acknowledged that they found their sexually related conversations to be both comfortable and a little enticing. Despite their curiosity about each other’s sexual experiences, abilities, and interests, they remained focused on and related to the virtual reality system.

Their natural discomfort resurfaced when Alex and Lily were ready to load up and more actively test the sex features of the VR program, and one of them left so they could use the sexual sensation features in private. They weren’t comfortable doing that together, even though they were aware that the most effective and efficient way to use the system was to be naked or wear only loose clothing. Knowing that they would be physically and visibly reacting to the VR simulations, they also felt uneasy about someone watching them use the system.

But after a few tentative and preliminary tests with related conversations, they found that switching between VR setups and reviewing everything from a second-person perspective was inefficient and awkward. They decided to remain together in the room to observe and talk about their various visual, physical, and auditory experiences. They wore only enough modest clothing to maintain their modesty.

Lily chose to be the first person to participate in a full-on sexual VR simulation after winning a fictitious coin toss. Alex sat on a stool one side of the VR Sim’s recliner chair. He adjusted the levels of some sensor readouts and the UHD monitor, which gave the user a digital, three-dimensional view of their VR simulation in real time. The monitor could be set to only show the sessions, or it could record the data and images for later use or enjoyment.

After connecting the tiny sensors to her neural network and putting on the light visor, Lily returned to the recliner. Her handful-sized breasts were loosely covered by a thin tank top, and her long black hair fanned out across her shoulders. She wore pajama shorts that were so loose that they barely reached her crotch, showing off a lot of her toned, firm legs. Alex smiled warmly and gave his sister a sincere look of appreciation.

Lily turned on the system and started her virtual reality simulation with a flick of her wrist.

A vibrant digital landscape fills the room as it disintegrates. Lily walks along a path that is bordered by fragrant flowers as she takes in the lush greenery around her. She sees a mysterious, tall stranger standing in the forest as she walks around a corner. Through the magic of virtual simulation programs, her feet suddenly become bare. As she walks, she feels the soft moss and fallen leaves crunch under her feet. Her breath is interrupted by the ferocity of the Stranger’s gaze as he turns to face her. Her desire and anticipation make her belly flutter.

The Stranger takes Lily by the hand and leads her into a wooded clearing. She hears the warbling of birds in the trees, the warm firmness of his skin, and the cool breeze. As the Stranger runs his hands along Lily’s arms, her heart starts to race and her breath becomes shallower. The Stranger then strokes her hair and pulls her into his muscular chest. Lily gives in to the moment because she is aware of what is about to happen. As they kiss, first chastely and then more passionately, her lips tingle and warmth spreads throughout her torso.

Arousal causes Lily to harden her nipples, and a surge of moisture is released from her vagina. She touches the naked chest and broad shoulders of the Stranger with her hands. She loses her shirt and gasps as his strong hands cup and squeeze her swollen breasts. On her constrained areolae, her nipples press into her Stranger’s palms like erasers. Her arms, face, and legs are touched and grazed by fingers.

Lily murmured aloud, possibly to Alex or herself, “Everything seems so real.” She let out a light sigh of contentment.

As his sister went through the VR simulation, Alex watched. Lily’s subtle body movements of contraction, undulation, and ripple captivated him. He was mostly captivated by his sexy younger sister’s very grown-up reactions and actions in real life, though he glanced at the monitor frequently enough to follow the VR Sim in real time.

Alex experimented by touching Lily’s arm with his own fingertip while her Sim-Stranger was touching her to see how she responded or if she noticed. Lily jerked slightly and moved her visor-covered face toward the point of contact the first time he stroked her inner arm. Alex caressed and touched his sister lightly as he moved from one area to another.

“This thing is amazing,” Lily told Alex after shaking her head. I get the impression that I’m actually being touched when the simulation is so realistic at times.

“Alex silently and swiftly moved to the opposite side of Lily, away from where he had previously touched her. That’s great. Why did it feel different?

“I don’t exactly know; Sometimes it just feels more real. It’s never the same place or movement every time.” Lily hummed happily as she lowered her head back into the soft recliner.

Alex looked at the VR screen. As Lily’s Sim-Stranger gently dragged her to the ground and stroked her thigh, his eyes lit up with excitement. Alex became less circumspect and matched the VR Stranger’s movements as he became more curious and felt a tightness in his stomach. He ran his fingers almost up to Lily’s pussy as he rubbed her inner thigh.

As her Sim-Stranger lover gently tickles her thighs, Lily’s eyes flutter to meet his. She stretches out her belly and moaned softly before widening her legs to invite her virtual lover into her most intimate space.

As he stared at his sister, Alex’s heart raced and his pants swelled with his cock; Her skin was glistening with a dusting of sweat, and she was panting and writhing in delight. Alex turned his head to the monitor on the display to see what she was going through. As the Sim-Stranger cupped VR-Lily’s bare pussy with his hand and began to circle her clit, he took a moment to catch his breath.

Alex mentally imitated the Sim-Stranger’s movements with Lily in the VR simulation, acting as though he were in a trance and unable to think clearly. As the Sim-Stranger caressed VR-Lily’s belly, around her boobs, and then back down toward her groin, Alex waited and watched. Alex abruptly slid his finger across his sister’s swollen pussy as the Sim-Stranger appeared to be about to touch VR-Lily’s pussy in the simulation.

Lily got going and stood up quickly. What the hell is going on, bro? Without a doubt not the machine!” As if trying to spot him, she swung her head back and forth while wearing a visor. That’s what you’ve been doing all along, isn’t it?” She ripped off her visor and halted the VR program. gave him a glare.

Alex mumbled, “Um, not the whole time.” After some time. I wanted to see if you could tell the difference between the game and real-world touch to see how realistic the program was. It appeared as though you hadn’t decided until the last time.”

“You idiot. You pervert, you just touched my pussy! Is that your strategy? See if you can get away with touching my vajayjay?” “Lily disapproved and shook her head. And dammit, I’m your fucking sister—what were you thinking? She looked at her brother incredulously. Well, crap. That basically ruined the trial.”

Alex said sincerely, “Sorry.” I didn’t really give things much thought.” Alex raised a pair of eyebrows. I began because I wanted to evaluate the simulation quality of the game; at the very least, that was my first thought.” He turned around and looked at his sister. But then, I thought it was kind of fun, naughty, and sexy for me to touch you. Although I know I shouldn’t have, there was something about touching and seeing you in that way that I liked.

After a brief pause, Lily’s rage subsided and she became confused and closed her eyes. I don’t know what to think about that. For chrissakes, you’re my brother.”

Conflicting feelings and thoughts were racing through Lily’s mind. She had never really given her brother that kind of thought before. At most, not much. To meet him, she raised her eyes once more. But do you mean what you say? You wanted to touch me, not just to test the game?”

Alex gave a sluggish nod. Yes, I suppose so, um… Who wouldn’t, right? You are beautiful and, well, pretty damn hot, in case you haven’t noticed. That is, if you weren’t my sister at all.”

That was on Lily’s mind. So, I’m hot even though I’m not your sister, but not because I’m hot. She jerked her head and bit her lip. What makes sense of that?”

Alex spluttered, “No, you’re hot, even if you’re my sister.” He let his eyes wander over Lily’s body after shaking his head as if to clear his mind. remarked on how she had indeed matured into an attractive woman. She had sensual lips, deep chocolate-brown eyes, long raven hair, and a toned, lean body. He briefly observed her erect nipples poking out of the tank’s thin fabric as her breasts moved with her breath before returning to the conversation.

“Ok, yes. Simply put, you are hot and sexy. Nothing to do with my sister’s status.” Alex exhaled deeply. ” It’s just that, you know, because I’m your brother, I’m not supposed to think you’re hot. I’m not supposed to think of you that way.

“However, even so, do you think I’m hot?”

Alex said with remorse, “Oh, fuck.” Absolutely, yes. If I weren’t your brother, you would be hot, beautiful, and sexy…” Alex closed his mouth.

Interest shone from Lily’s eyes. What’d you do? What had you planned to say? Suppose you weren’t my brother. Her stomach was covered in butterflies. Despite her efforts to deny the feelings, she was turned on by the residual arousal from her VR Sim and her brother’s apparent appreciation of her femininity.

“Well, it doesn’t matter because I’m your brother.” Brother with conviction shook his head. Forget anything I said, and let’s move on from my error during the VR test run. His eyebrows were raised. Ok?”

“Maybe, but… well, you didn’t think about how I feel about this, did you? how I might feel about the situation as a whole. the way I felt when you touched me.”

Brother stood, appearing perplexed and unsure. How are you doing?

Lily gave a nod. Yes. In case you hadn’t noticed, there are two of us here. And let the trumpets sound as a major revelation is announced: I actually have feelings and thoughts. Lily gave a head shake. a fact that appears unrelated to your conduct.”

Alex pondered what his sister had just said while sitting still in silence. Yes, a valid point. I regret getting carried away; I suppose it was somewhat self-centered of me.” He assumed that his sister was expressing her anger and feeling exploited; He had no idea that she was implying something else. Therefore, despite his newly discovered sexual attraction for his sister, his arousal subsided and faded away.

“Apologies accepted,” Lily said, her expression impenetrable keeping Alex’s attention for a moment. Despite her belief that she ought to be, she was not enraged. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling, but she knew deep down that something didn’t seem right. Even though it didn’t feel off, it might have appeared off. Although she was aware that it was wrong, the thought of Alex secretly touching her enticed her.

Each was absorbed in their own thoughts as they sat for a brief moment in silence.

“So, now what?” Alex inquired, ” Would you like to try it again?” His enthusiasm for that option was evident in his eyes.

“Not at this time, at least, not in my opinion. Why don’t you set up and give it a shot?”

“Yes, that might be a good idea. Additionally, I sincerely regret having ruined your turn. Concerning that, I feel a little icky.”

Lily’s lips were pursed. Don’t worry about it because I’ve moved on.” She stopped talking when she realized that not only had her brother been touching her, but he had also seen her virtual reality simulation. The thought of her brother watching her naked and having sex with a stranger gave her a warm surge of arousal. Girl, get your hands on it; Here, you’re just as bad a jerk as your brother.

Alex said, “Glad you’re okay with it now and not pissed—not too much, at least.” He stopped because he realized something. But keep going. Something you said just now, indicating that I never inquired about your feelings regarding my touching. What was your intent? How would you like to express your feelings about it?

Lily was the one who blushed. I’m a little confused about this, I don’t know. I suppose I should be angry, but I’m not. Possibly irritated, but not irate or upset. She gave her brother a look. Do you see what I mean?”

“Well, kind of. However, I sense that you are concealing something. Lily, you know you can rely on me; simply state your thoughts. You can say anything to me.” Alex looked forwardly at his sister.

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