A Big Hanging Cock in the Train

I’m Prithviraj, and I’m from Hyderabad, India. One of my first encounters with this beautiful, erotic gay world is this. I wrote this for you if you place a high value on the story, the emotion, the experience, the seduction, and the foreplay.

If you enjoy my story, I would appreciate it if you could give me some feedback via email at [email protected]. I decided whether or not to continue writing in this style after receiving your feedback.

I will not waste any more of your time. This took place when I was about 18 years old. I just finished my junior college degree. I put in an application for the Emcet exam. The time came quickly when I needed to take my exam.

In a remote part of Andhra Pradesh, I live. At my location, there was no facility for taking my exam. As a result, I decided to take my exam in Hyderabad. But the problem was that I didn’t have any friends or family in Hyderabad.

I had to spend at least one night in Hyderabad. The issue was that I was unsure of where to stay. A few of my father’s friends listened to him talk. They advised me that spending a few days in Hyderabad and staying in a hostel close to my exam center was the best option for me.

I had never traveled by myself before this. One of the largest cities I’ve ever been to was Hyderabad. He was too busy with important work to go on vacation with me. Since this was my first solo trip, everyone was afraid.

But I persuaded them that nothing would go wrong and set out on my journey. My train tickets were booked a month in advance. However, the examination season prevented confirmation of the tickets. I made the decision to board the general compartment.

But I was shocked when the train got there. I couldn’t even find a place to rest my feet while I boarded the train. I attempted to enter the train but was pushed out by passengers. They advised me to try my luck somewhere else and stated that there was no space there.

I could only board a reservation compartment at this point. I was suddenly hit from behind by someone. When I turned around, I saw a 6-foot-tall, middle-aged, not too dark man carrying several suitcases. One of his bags fell as soon as he ran into me.

He started yelling at me, “The train is about to start,” he said. If you are not boarding, move your body and provide space for those who are. “Could you help me carry that fallen luggage to my compartment?” the man yelled once more.

I did as ordered, grabbed his bags, and began sprinting behind him. His first-class AC compartment arrived after passing through half a dozen compartments. The man turned around as he boarded the train. He instructed me to board the train and hand over his luggage at his location with a sign.

When I entered, the compartment’s cleanliness and hygiene mesmerized me. A first-class compartment is something I’ve never seen before. They had doors and multiple small rooms that resembled private cabins. I quickly entered the building and gave him his bags.

When the man thanked me for my kindness and assistance, I was about to leave. As I prepared to descend and board a different compartment, I smiled. Then, from behind, his firm hand gripped my shoulder. He inquired whether I had come down to pay my respects to someone.

Since my reservation had not yet been confirmed, I responded with a resounding “no” and explained that I was looking for a compartment with little room for myself.

The man replied with a grin, “You ran into your luck today.” My coach has one extra seat for me. My wife had to cancel her trip at the last minute, and since the chart was already prepared, I was unable to change her ticket. You can stay here and travel with me if you are fine.

“Sir, I can’t bear this first-class ticket,” I replied. I can’t afford it because it’s too costly for me. With a chuckle, the man said, “Call me by my name, James.” Why would I give this adorable young child any money?

He went on to say, “I have decided to travel alone because I did not have the option to cancel the ticket.” But I’ve changed my mind and offered you to share my cabin after seeing your genuine gesture and helping hand. I accepted his offer right away because I was so happy.

Coincidentally, let me give you individuals more data about myself and the manner in which I look. As I mentioned earlier, I turned 18 recently. I was a very fair and attractive stud despite my small size and fragile appearance. Although I’m not particularly bubbly, my body type is pure curves. I have a stunning bubble butt that is curvy.

I have curly hair and a medium height. I have a following of people who describe me as attractive due to my appearance. However, I am extremely introverted and rarely interact with others. I should emphasize that I am a pure virgin with no proper understanding of sex or its terms. There was absolutely no understanding of what gay, lesbian, or bi meant. I had no idea how babies were born at all. I used to only study more and more.

Let me now provide some information regarding James the man. I will spend the entire night with him in a cabin with air conditioning for first class. He had a massive torso and a manly build, standing somewhere around 6’2″ tall. He appeared to be between 40 and 45 years old. He lacked a lot of character.

He was more attractive because of how he carried himself and dressed. Because his shirt shows those muscular arm shapes, I believe he goes to the gym. Concerned about his employment profile. But I’m sure he’s working in a professional capacity.

I sat on one of the comfortable beds inside the cabin. I began my preparations and pulled out my books. James entered the cabin after spending some time wandering around the couch. He sat next to me and locked the door. He started enquiring about my specifics, such as my age, where I was from, and what I was studying.

What were my reasons for traveling, why was I traveling alone, etc.? I was uneasy because he was seated so close to me. However, the scent of his body spray and perfume was energizing and calming. Inadvertently, the initial discomfort began to transform into comfort.

He once placed a hand on my thigh at one point. After about a minute, he slowly moved his hand towards my upper inner thigh. It gave me the sensation of a thunderous shock of 1000 volts. I had no idea what was going on.

I wasn’t sure if it was done on purpose or if I was reacting too quickly. I have never been touched in that manner. I figured I might have felt something different. A sudden knock on the cabin door occurred. James demonstrated calmness and pin-drop silence with this finger.

He requested that I move to the beginning corner of the compartment behind the entryway, and I complied. He made his way toward the door, unlocked it, and left it slightly open to prevent anyone from entering. James was in front of me and stood there. To avoid being seen, I was attempting to squeeze in as much as possible.

When I realized it was the ticket collector, I was a little alarmed. I didn’t have a valid ticket for First Class AC with me. I felt a strong pull from a firm hand behind my head as I was thinking these thoughts. My face was quickly getting a good grip on James’s groin.

His pants were rubbing against my mouth and nose. He was standing in front of me, while I was sitting. He was looking out and talking to someone from that door that was only half open. As a result, no one from the outside could see inside.

I couldn’t breathe, so I was trying as hard as I could to get out of his grasp. But he had so much strength and muscle that it was pointless for me to try. I was only able to listen to what they were saying. The individual outside demanded the ticket.

James gave him his mobile phone in the other hand and said, “Here are my tickets.” It was a ticket collector, I realized. Because I thought I might draw some attention to TC (the Ticket Collector), I slowed down my efforts to escape. However, I began to experience a sensation close to my face in the interim.

His pants contained something. It was earlier soft to the touch and had begun to swell. Because my face was so closely rubbing his pants, I could feel it. Something was getting harder, longer, tougher, and fatter every second, I could feel. I could figure out how long it was.

It was longer than my face, I knew. From the top of my face to the bottom of my mouth, I could feel its hardness. I had no idea what was going on. Why was James holding me back in this way? It was so shocking and uncomfortable.

After that, I overheard TC inquire as to whether James’s wife was with him. He said, “Yes, she did,” with conviction and without hesitation. She is currently trying on a new outfit for the wedding reception tomorrow in the cabin. I didn’t fully open the door because of that. We require some privacy.

TC chuckled and exclaimed, “Women!” and carried on running away. I won’t bother you at this time. The entire cabin (room) is yours. Do as you please, people. I could hear him walking down the corridor. Nevertheless, James continued to hold me in the same position for a few minutes more.

After that, he shut the door. I could only take a long, deep breath as he finally released me from his grip. I was gasping for air and close to being suffocated. I didn’t say anything because I was mad at him.

However, James informed me, “Hey, Kid, I have saved you from the clutches of TC,” after observing my rage. Your lips are firmly shut as I hold you close. I made sure that you didn’t say anything that would make the TC suspicious. I prevented him from entering and requesting your ticket. which he will fine you ten times the price of your ticket for. He might have you detained by the CRPF or force you to descend at the following station if you fail to pay the price.

“With the efforts you were trying to get on the train and the way you are studying, made me think this is something very important for you,” he went on to say. I began to believe what he was saying to be true. It brought to mind the predicament I’m currently in.

I quickly came to my senses and realized how wrong I had been. I apologized to him right away. He grinned and drew nearer to me. His proximity to me meant that once more, my face was directly in front of his pants. I could see that something was trying long and hard to come out of his pants.

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